Have any SEOs in the house ever run into a problem with a potential client where the SEO is asked for a position guarantee -- satisfaction, or your money back? I'm sure it's happened to some people, and it is currently happening to a member at the High Rankings Forum. What do you do?
Well, for one, focus on conversions. Traffic is one thing, but if it doesn't convert to sales, it will probably have no value to the client. A lot of people look for increased traffic, but they should focus on better rankings, as moderator torka says. Her suggestions?
- Show your potential client results you achieved from other websites.
- Don't focus on a specific percentage. You can't control it.
- Watch out for your guarantees. If you're offering a money-back guarantee and you don't deliver, you owe your customer a refund.
Member MartinC has this to add:
The point to remember is that getting there takes time and effort, so if you are going to be judged/paid on performance you will have to take all the risk and you will also have to make sure that you are going to get paid for your efforts if you do achieve the goals and make sure that they are going to follow all your advice.I always take the view that it is better to be upfront and temper peoples unrealistic expectations. I find that most of the time I can explain it in a way that gives them the confidence that I know what I'm talking about and for those that don't I don't really want to work with them. It is useful to relate the Internet to a city, people don't expect to open a shop and within a few days appear on the most prestigious retail street rubbing shoulders with well established brands and outlets, in that respect it is a myth that the Internet is a level playing field.
Forum discussion continues at the High Rankings Forum.