Tapping into US Hispanic and Latin America via Search

Jun 18, 2007 - 11:47 am 0 by
Filed Under SES Latino 2007

Landscape & Tactics Track Tapping into US Hispanics & Latin Americans via Search Moderator: Nacho Hernandez

First Speaker: Emerson Calegaretti, VP Client Development, Latin America, Acronym Media. Emerson is based in Brazil.

It’s amazing the audience is double what we had last year! Congratulations to Nacho for doing such a great job.

Latin America (Snapshot of Region)

• Population: 549 million • Trade Balance 2006 -- US$ 514 billion exports -- US$ 432 billion imports -- US$ 82 billion balance (superavit) • GDP: US$ 2.6 trillion (2006) • Per capita income: US$ 9,238 • 11 million registered corporations

It’s good to have numbers like these to justify expanding into the Latin American market.

Internet Users in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico

Country/ Population/ Internet Users/ Penetration Argentina 38 MM 10 MM 26% Brazil 184 MM 32 MM 17% Mexico 105 MM 19 MM 18%

Latin American Search Engine Industry

The major players are already there… Microsoft has been there for a long time, Yahoo as well and Google just started like 2 years ago. The important thing here is that they have local offices with local voices and are a presence there. This expansion is going to grow as well. More and more companies are seeing the value of the local presence and will be entering the market.

Google has 72% of the share of the searches in Latin America. Yahoo has 17% and MSN has 2%. The local search players are taking about 9% of the search. So when you’re thinking about expanding your search campaigns, make sure you remember the local players as they’re taking almost 10%of the market share right now.

Most active industries in SEM: • Retail • Local (Classifieds) • Travel • Finance • Automotive

The YP and the classifieds for the local newspapers are really picking up in terms of catching up with the retail. Travel is booming... there are many local players who are growing a lot.

Compared to the US, the CPC in Brazil and Mexico, etc is very low.

Latin American SEM Advertisers

Advertiser base will grow almost 5xs in just 4 years. 2006 – 22,000 advertisers 2010 – 100,000 advertisers projected

Who are the advertisers in the Latin American SE Industry

Sales Channel Avg Monthly Ticket Category Direct & Ad Agencies $10,000 Large TeleSales $1,000 Medium Online $200 Small Resellers $10 Micro

The micro category contains very small, sole proprietorship type of single person businesses who are buying their online ads via resellers like the yellow pages, etc.

If you need the numbers, you can email Emerson at [email protected]

Second Speaker: Jack Flanagan, Exec VP of ComScore

What I’d like to do is talk about search as it’s related to Latin America and the Hispanic Market.

650 million searches Worldwide Asia Pacific has highest contribution at 35% Latin America has 7% & US Hispanic 2%

Latin America ranks #2 year over year - 16% growth to 45.3 million unique visitors US Hispanic growth – 5% year over year

89% of US Hispanic online population searches Highest compared to other worldwide regions

US Hispanic market has highest search penetration. 89% of the users use the SEs.

The US Hispanics tend to skew much younger with smaller households and roughly half (49%) speak Spanish fluently.

Hispanics online are more usage intensive than the US General Market

Avg pages per usage day – 25% more pages viewed Avg minutes per usage day – 20% more time online

US lags considerably behind all other countries in terms of engagement. France is #1, but Brazil, Argentina and Mexico are #2, 3 and 4.

Key findings

- While trailing other countries & regions in overall audience - Latin America countries & US Hispanic audiences deliver a highly penetrated & growing audience in the area of search - For US Hispanic, desirable & young demographics that are extremely advantageous for advertisers

Speaker Three: Sarah Carberry, Sales & Marketing Multicultural Development Manager, Google, Inc.

“Search Marketing to US Hispanics”

We’re seeing that US Hispanics are coming to Google wanting more personalization, more engagement, etc. Last year I presented a lot of heavy research, so this year I wanted to give you best practices, some search methods, and some best practices.

US Hispanics are surfing online more than watching TV. They’re using the internet more than 17 hours per week, and more than half the time on Spanish sites. More than half of Latino Adults prefer Spanish == 7.1 million.

70% of the growth in the US Hispanic market happened with the introduction/availability of broadband.

Searching in Spanish is on the Rise. The search volume is increasing over the past 3 years (see Google Trends for terms like futbol, recetas, noticias for examples). Consumer Pathways are Non-Linear. Consumers leave footprints all over the place. They go to forums, they go to blogs, and they want first hand info from early adopters. They aren’t just going to the TV to get their information.

Search and Display work together to drive sales. When used in combination, the activations/conversions exponentially increase.

Offline exposure impacts online searching. Tying all of your offline components and offline awareness building into your online presence will help grab those qualified searchers and drive searches for your product/brand.

61% of US Hispanics own cell phones. Mobile searching, and therefore advertising, is on the rise.

Best Practices - Keep it simple. - Dynamic keyword insertion works well - Experiment with language in the creative - Develop geo-targeting campaigns - Opt into the content network to increase your impressions and clicks.

Leverage 100% of your products and services. Make them findable.

Final Speaker: Rafael Jimenez, General Manager, Advertiser & Publisher Group, Yahoo! Hispanic Americas

I’d like to talk to you about certain things that we feel are coming in the next months and also about combining some concepts for best results.

Social search has had huge success in the region. There have been 20 million users in the region in less than a year. The good thing about social search is that you’re leveraging the knowledge of the collective, rather than relying solely on the machines. A lot of people are looking at alternative ways to find the answers they’re looking for on the web,

Mobile… approaching 250 million cell phone users in the region; 45% penetration. - Mobile data plans are getting cheaper – driving increased usage of mobile web. - Awareness is increasing – Mobile users are accessing the internet on their mobile devices. - Increase in mobile content/applications – Yahoo! Go and oneSearch are good examples of mobile specific applications. - Cellular networks are getting faster.

The New Advertising Platform - System stability, extensibility, speed to innovation - Timing: Code complete

New Advertising Interface - Makes it easier to sign-up, manage and optimize your campaigns. - Timing: Launched in US and Canada on 10/17/06; International began launching market-by-market in Q2 2007

Taking advantage of social search… Yahoo is integrating the experience of regular search with social search. We’re leveraging our user generated content within our search results to enhance the quality and value of the results. So you have the ability to tap into both of these types of searches.


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