Now that Google has expanded referrals 2.0 (i.e. pay per action) to more publishers, more advertisers are giving it a try.
A DigitalPoint Forums thread goes through some of the troubles some advertisers are having with the program. So, they are helping each other overcome some of the negative aspects of PPA by using some of the features built into Google AdWords. Here are some tips from member, Micromag:
- Run a Site report and make sure where these leads are from - maybe is just a matter of filtering some publishers.
- Ask Google a refund for these invalid leads (don't know if it will work) remember to provide your report information.
- Be sure that you are not showing the conversion code multiple times for the same visitor (they charge you multiple times for it)
- Assume that you always will have fraud there and decrease your lead value -- you may increase it again as soon you have a better fraud control in a future.
- You may also implement a post processing conversion feature system that will only show the conversion for any visitor from that site as soon you verify that the lead is ok... the system will present the conversion code for the next visitor from that site to ensure to pay commission, but only if you have certified if the previous lead is ok (I know that would be a pain to design a system like that).
For more discussion around improving your chances of a desirable action from your referral ads (PPA), then join the discussion.
Forum discussion at DigitalPoint Forums.