A WebmasterWorld thread reports Google has made a slight but yet important change to their link schemes page within their Webmaster Guidelines section.
Examples of link schemes can include:
Link exchange and reciprocal links schemes ("Link to me and I'll link to you.")
Examples of link schemes can include:
Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging ("Link to me and I'll link to you.")
The big word added here is "excessive." The Google Cache still shows the old version, this will probably change any minute, so here is a screen capture.
As you can imagine, we have two views on this change:
(1) I am glad they added the word "excessive"
(2) What does "excessive" mean exactly?
We keep getting more and more from Google and keep wanting more and more from what we get. For them to give us specific examples, might get a bit hairy for them. But for them not to, can get a bit hairy for Webmasters.
What is a search engine to do?
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.