Rob Kerry, aka evilgreenmonkey has announced he will be leaving Search Engine Watch Forums, as their forums editor, for Sphinn.
Rob will be the Sphinn editor. As Danny explains:
Rob’s role will be to work with all the Sphinn moderators, provide a steady hand on a day-to-day basis to watch over the site and oversee the further development of the site.
Rob took over the Search Engine Watch Forums Editor position when Elisabeth Osmeloski left on May 25th. Frank Watson (AussieWebmaster) will be taking over his role as Forums Editor at Search Engine Watch Forums from next week. He has been a moderator here since 2004 and also writes for the SEW Blog. Rob will continue to moderate at Search Engine Watch Forums, but not play an active role in SEW's future growth.
You can wish Rob good luck in his new position as Sphinn Editor at either Search Engine Watch Forums or at Sphinn.