Over the past few days, numerous bloggers have been buzzing about BlogRush, a new widget that allows you to get "free traffic" to your blog. It works like this: users (based on referral codes and traffic) get titles of their blogs listed on similar blogs.
By adding the BlogRush Widget to a blog, a blogger can get instant distribution for their latest blog post titles across a network of related blogs.
DigitalPoint Forums members think that this can be a violation of AdSense TOS. But it's really doing nothing but displaying titles, so others disagree with that notion.
I've seen similar traffic widgets which I've also used but haven't seen much traffic increase, so I'm skeptical about this tool bringing traffic to my blog. As it is, most people I know are using full feeds and rarely take advantage of widgets on the sidebar. So, to answer Li at Cre8asite Forums, I'd be interested in seeing if there's anything more than just initial buzz. Right now, the tool does have the right kind of spokespeople behind it and this has prompted a plethora of new signups, but is there anything else?
Forum discussion continues at DigitalPoint Forums and Cre8asite Forums.