It really sucks to live in Southern California, and my heart goes out to all those affected by the wildfires. In case you were not aware of what happened, thousands among thousands of residents were forced to evacuate because of some of the worst wildfires in California's history. As such, a WebmasterWorld member believes that the wildfires -- particularly the evacuations that prompted half a million residents to flee their homes -- may have caused a decrease in AdSense earnings. This isn't the first time either. When wired cities are affected by natural disasters, the consequences are inevitable.
What else has contributed to decreased AdSense earnings? In July, Harry Potter may have done it. The World Series and World Cup tends to keep users away from the computer and glued to the TV. School holidays, when families take vacations, can contribute as well.
What do you think may be responsible for a decrease in AdSense revenue?
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