Daily Search Forum Recap: December 11, 2007

Dec 11, 2007 - 3:00 pm 0 by

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Wants Your Gmail Story
    If you have been logged onto Gmail in the last day or so, you might have seen a link where you can share your Gmail story. That's right. Google is looking for you to share your stories on how you use Gmail in a 30 second or less video. Details are posted in Google Groups but here are the criteria: 30 seconds maximum Make sure your audio is set up correctly (so that you're heard)
  • SEO for Mobile: Tips and Tricks
    A Cre8asite Forums member asks how a site is differentiated by Google as a mobile site or as a regular website that may not be included in Google's mobile web search. What are the criteria for being categorized as a "mobile" site? The Google Webmaster Help Center has a guide of questions and answers on this very topic. Additionally, other feedback is given from a webmaster who has been designing for the mobile web for
  • Google to Partner with H3tec for Detection Technology
    Jordan McCollum wrote at Marketing Pilgrim that Google is looking to partner with H3tec on their detection technology within mobile phones. She goes on to explain that there are several different applications, including tainted food and explosives. Here's a mock-up of the device: And forum members think it's a good idea: Use an existing network that exists practically everywhere (mobiles) to give authorities pinpoint location of explosives. Perhaps a bit big brother ish though. This
  • Experts Weigh in on Link Value Factors
    On his own blog, Wiep collected data over the past few months from many esteemed link builders and presented his own link value factors. How important is the anchor text? How important are the number of links? What about the age of the page or the contextual relevance? The result of Wiep's research from many folks, including our very own Barry, has resulted in a very awesome piece of information where no one can really
  • AskEraser, Does it Erase Your Ask.com Search Results?
    I wrote a long post on the launch of AskEraser at Search Engine Land, titled, Ask.com Launches AskEraser Giving Searches Ability To Search Anonymously. But honestly, if you think about it, AskEraser does not erase data, it is a bad name. AskEraser just prevents data from being written to Ask.com's servers. It is not like data is being written and then Ask is erasing the data. It is simply not being written in the first
  • Google Finally Fixes AdWords Diagnostic Tool Bug, After One Month
    Back on November 7th, we reported on a Google AdWords Diagnostic Tool Bug. The issue was that when you moused over a keyword in your AdWords account, the diagnostic tool would display a message that read, "this keyword is not permitted to show your ads in the targeted location." The thing is, the keyword was permitted to show in the targeted location and it was indeed being displayed, even thought the diagnostic tool said it
  • When Will New Links Impact the Search Results?
    A WebmasterWorld thread asks how long might it take for a search engine to discover new links and then have those new links impact your search results. For example, let's say you write an awesome article and you get 50 new links from authority sites to the article. How long will it take for those new links to impact the search results landscape in a particular search engine. Without a doubt this topic is most
  • Optimizing Your Yahoo Search Marketing Campaigns After Panama Migration
    There is a tip full Search Engine Watch Forums thread with things you can do to fine tune and optimize your new Yahoo Search Marketing campaign, after you preform the migration to Panama from a legacy Yahoo Overture account or a Google AdWords account. Here is a summary of those tips: Ensure the migration tool actually worked right, you will often find things that don't match up and can hurt your campaign's performance Take advantage

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