According to Jeremy Schoemaker's blog, he has recently been terminated from the Yahoo Search Marketing program because 65% of his referrals to the YSM program are signing up with fraudulent credit cards. According to the lengthy email discourse, Yahoo has no way of tracking where these signups are occurring and naturally he's a bit upset.
How can this problem be fixed? As many forum members say, it is really not Jeremy's responsibility. It's Yahoo's.
I think the main point is YSM's lack of reliable tracking and fraud detection.
And if that's not possible, then Commission Junction should be able to verify this.
My thought (and the perception of many others) is that Yahoo should have assigned Jeremy a different ID so that he could change it on his website to confirm that the 65% number is being accurately reported from his website and from nowhere else.
Forum discussion continues at Sphinn and DigitalPoint Forums.