Weekly Search Buzz Roundup - 12/21/07: We Have Facebook Goodies, FTC Approves Google-DoubleClick acquistion, & Yahoo Schwag

Dec 21, 2007 - 12:15 pm 0 by

search-buzz-roundup.gifWhile most of you are pumped for the holidays next week, bear in mind that those of us at Search Engine Roundtable will be caffeinated and toiling away at ensuring that you're not kept out of the loop for anything. That's why Barry should be voted as the "most giving search blogger" in the 2007 Search Blogs awards. Forget about me. This is all about Barry, guys. Remember, he blogs on Search Engine Land in addition to this blog that he founded. That has serious rockin' potential.

Search Engine Roundtable News

First and foremost, are you a Facebook user? Then become a fan of the Search Engine Roundtable on Facebook. We rock. You love us. The chemistry is hot.

Also, Danny and Barry just came out with a very cool Search News Facebook application, so if you love search and want to install the application on your page, do it!

Getting Excited for the Holidays?

If not, start looking at the various search holiday themes that surround you. Search Engine Roundtable is sporting a new theme by our new graphics designer, Mabe. What do you all think?

Google Wants to Know About You

In an Internet where people get more and more social, the search engines want in, too. Google has launched a profile initiative where users can share as much or as little information as they want about themselves with their peers. Think this will help for reputation management?

Google + DoubleClick + FTC = <3

So, there you have it. The FTC has approved of the Google-DoubleClick acquisition. I have heard many people say "oh no" to the news, but that's about it. The forums have been pretty silent.

Google AdSense Gets Innovative

...but what's new? There have been sightings of a new 2x2 Google AdSense format. Last week, we saw experiments with Google AdSense scrolling ads. Both of these indicate that Google is getting a ton of AdWords inventory since they need to feature more ads.

Speaking of which, in the UK, you can see Google Gadget Ads which are more interactive AdSense ad units. What kind of ads do you expect not to see from Google in the future?

Got Video? Submit a Google Sitemap

Want your video to be searchable on Google? The Google Video Sitemaps protocol has been announced, and you now can! Sweet!

Microsoft Featured Google AdWords Ads, but Not Any Longer

Earlier this week, we reported that Microsoft was showing Google AdWords ads in their natural search results. Oops. Well, after we wrote about it, Microsoft fixed the problem. That's one fast turnaround and good followup on Microsoft's part.

Google Releases Flight Stats

Earlier this week, Google announced that they are going to show flight information in the search results, and they have. I compared this to Ask, MSN, and Yahoo, and MSN comes up emptyhanded. Google has the most interesting information of all of them because the flight times are right on the results pages without having to navigate elsewhere. Good stuff. Oh, and Nathan, thanks for picking up this story but you need to blog way more often ;)

Yahoo Stops Numbering Search Results

A small change has been noted: search results are not numbered anymore on Yahoo. What are your thoughts on this? Bad for keeping track of your rankings? That'd be my concern.

Is there a Google PageRank Update?

According to reports, there was a Google PageRank update this month. Now I don't understand this because my PageRank is still at a solid 4 (even though I whined to Google about bringing me down from a 5. HELLO MATT!) I know numbers aren't important but the glass is more than half empty on my little toolbar. :(

Get Your Emails Translated

Got a foreign word in your email that you just don't understand? Gmail Google Translator will help. Just add a bunch of usernames and start a chat with them to get instant results. Cool beans.

Google Needs to Clarify its Supplemental Stance

All I can say from reading forum discussion about Google's Supplemental Index confusion is that my head hurts. Google, can you please calm the people? What does this supplemental index thing really mean?

Want Google Sitelinks? You may have them now

It looks like more sites are getting Google Sitelinks. It is going to take time, but for those who want it (and I know you do), it's pretty awesome.

Live Search Link Command is Offline

Okay, there's no hope. Microsoft's link: command is offline again. Why? Exploits, probably. Stop abusing the system and let us use it the way it's intended.

Yahoo Schwag Arrives

We reported earlier this week that Yahoo has sent laptop cases to customers. Shimon Sandler writes about his Google Flip Video. Kevin Heisler writes about the flip video as well. Guys, I started a site dedicated to freebies like this and I got nothing!. My website is called Schwag Addict. Now if you need my address (my HOME address, that is), email me at tamarATrustybrickDOTcom. Okay? Thanks.

Have a great holiday week next week!


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