Search Engine Watch Forums moderator, abbottsys, is on a roll. Today, he posted some early results on a test ad he was playing with. He took the headline from his best working ad, and placed the headline in the description lines. For example, let's say his headline was RustyWords, the ad would look like this in Google:
You see, he placed his best converting AdWords ad headline into the headline, description line 1 and description line 2. Then placed the ad live and began tracking all the metrics.
Guess what, so far, the early results match the results of his best running ad.
His early findings:
The bogus ad has matched the real ad in terms of clicks, CTR and conversions. In short, its performance is superb.
If he can replicate these results across multiple ad sets and over a longer period of time then AdWords professionals need to begin scratching their heads.
Of course, the headline text might be so good that repeating it screams to searchers. Testing this in a lower converting ad might reproduce the same results or not. It would be interesting to test this AdWords tactic out a bit more and see more results.
Forum discussion at Search Engine Watch Forums.