The Google Operating System blog writes a tip on how you can add certain parameters to Google's URL to customize information about when Google first indexed your site. The article states:
For example, if you append &as_qdr=y9 to Google's search URL, you'll restrict the results to web pages first indexed by Google in the last 9 years. Since this restriction should include all web pages from Google's index, you can use it to display the timestamp next to each search result (e.g.: a search for iPod).
In September, Barry shared the cheat sheet with us on the parameter options that are available to us. Again, here are the options that you can use to customize the first crawl date:
d[number] - past number of days (e.g.: d10) w[number] - past number of weeks y[number] - past number of years
Here's an example using our blog that was launched in December 2003 and shows Google first indexed it in early January 2004:
Here's another example search that I've performed with my BFF's search term. As you can tell, when Lisa came on board, the dynamic of the Bruce Clay blog changed, and contends with some old pages:
Forum discussion continues at Sphinn.