Daily Search Forum Recap: May 14, 2008

May 14, 2008 - 5:00 pm 0 by

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Building a Powerful Presence with Twitter
    Dosh Dosh has just written an excellent piece on how to get more Twitter followers. He cites a lot of reasons, but drives it down to the power of your brand. Still, even if you're not a powerful brand, you can benefit from Twitter in the same way that many popular web celebrities do. For example, if you create a tool and promote yourself with it, you can gain a lot of followers. You can
  • Google AdWords Dowtime Schedule on May 17th & Minor AdWords Editor Update
    There are two Google AdWords updates that readers should take note of. First, AdWords Editor 5.0.1 has been released. The only change is a small one, but it may help users: The four tabs for ads (text, image, local business, and mobile) are now grouped under a single 'Ads' tab. This release addresses a space issue that only affected some users. If you aren't experiencing any difficulty, it isn't necessary to upgrade. Forum members recommend
  • Can Links From Porn Sites Hurt Your Search Rankings?
    When you're a webmaster, it's important to check your analytics to ensure that everything there is looking good. You can get a good sense of where your traffic is coming from, be it search traffic or uh, porn site traffic, and you can overall get ideas of where you may be able to improve your website for more visitor consumption. So when one of our forum regulars checked his statistics, he was a little shocked
  • The Display URL May Impact Your Google AdWords Quality Score
    Your Google AdWords display URL may impact your AdWords quality score, but to what extent is the question? A Google Groups thread has discussion on the topic, where AdWordsPro.Jordan, an official Google representative, says that it may have an impact. Jordan writes, "Display URL can have an effect on your Quality Score." Jordan goes on to explain that it depends, the "effect depends on the context in which your Quality Score is being used and
  • Does Google Index Content in "The Cloud" (Amazon S3, etc)
    Cloud computing is becoming more and more popular amongst webmasters and site owners. In short, companies like Amazon, RackSpace, Google and others are offering hosting services where you upload your content (html, images, videos, pdfs, etc.) to a web server, that web server then replicates that content onto other web servers - so if you think about it, your content is not just on one server, with limited resources and bandwidth, but on dozens (or
  • In 2008, Is The NoArchive Tag a Red Flag in SEO?
    Before beginning, I know a few of you will be upset I wrote this at all. But I want to show you the history here. A WebmasterWorld thread asks what is the story with the noarchive META tag and the likelihood that it may hurt your Google rankings or rankings in other search engines. Let me first give you my opinion for the year 2008. I do not think the noarchive tag will hurt you
  • Google Analytics Has Major Data Processing Issue: Loses 6 Days of E-Commerce Data
    Folks at WebmasterWorld have been complaining that their Google Analytics data seemed off for weeks now. Well, they were dead on. If you go to Google Analytics, you will now notice that they have admitted to having data processing issues between the dates of April 30th to May 5th. Google promised to recover most of the data but all e-commerce data between those date ranges are gone. Here is the exact notification from Google: Google

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