Want a quality score of 10? Here's an easy way to do it. On Search Engine Watch forums, abbotsys explains the procedure that was attempted.
Take a 2 word keyphrase (e.g. word1 word2). Register a domain with word1word2 in the name, like word1word2.com. Build a simple page for the domain with word1 and word2 in the title tag. In the actual content, talk all about word1 and word2. When abbotsys says simple, he means it: there are no ads, no navigation, and absolutely no links.
Run that page as the landing page for the keyphrase with word1 and word2.
What happened next? Google gave abbotsys a 10/10 quality score and the ad cost a mere $0.01 per click!
Will that perfect quality score last forever? The next step is to see whether the quality score of the landing page, with zero incoming links, will be reduced over time.
Forum discussion continues at Search Engine Watch Forums.