About a week ago, we asked Who's To Blame? Google or Tribune for United Airlines Stock Drop. We unfairly only gave really two options, Google or the Tribune. When I posted the poll, many (16%) responded with the "other" option, citing either the brokers are to blame and reporters are to blame for not doing proper research. True, there are many to blame for this.
But let me share with you the full results:
:: Google is to blame said 33 respondents or 34%
:: Both is to blame said 29 respondents or 30%
:: Tribune is to blame said 20 respondents or 20%
:: Someone else is to blame said 16 respondents or 16%
We know the SEC is looking to pin this on someone. The question is whom? Clearly, our poll shows that there is a lot of uncertainty on who is to blame for this.
Forum discussion continued at WebmasterWorld.