Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day! We're celebrating here and we hope you are too. It's year 13 of the holiday, and uh, I don't get it, but AHOY!
Microsoft Search Update Underway
If you visit the Live.com site frequently to check your rankings, you should have observed a search update. Most people are viewing some changes that seem to be pretty substantial.
Google's Biggest Quality Score Change Ever
Your Google Quality Score is now out of 10. If there's anything wrong with your keywords, ad copy, or landing page, you may see lower scores. Want a perfect 10? You can try this.
Google Says that Duplicate Penalties Don't Exist
We all know about the awful duplicate content issue. But did you know that Google has made a stance and said that it doesn't exist? Now you do. It's not really a penalty; instead, Google is essentially choosing the best content to be indexed.
But You Need to Worry About Other Penalties
Google has a patent that shows link penalties, like when you get too many links too quickly. That can happen legitimately, so Google has addressed that concern as well.
Google's Reporting Glitch
Many webmasters were bothered when Google showed HTTP errors but it's been confirmed as a problem. I even think it's fixed now :)
Google Disables the Invisible Site Search Feature
It seems that earlier this week, Google had hidden the site search feature probably because it was a feature that you used to circumvent the site: operator and was invisible to the user this entire time. However, we just discovered that it's working again, so cynics need to be silenced. ;)
I Want Updated Google Maps
I like Google Maps on my phone. I really do. When Google announced updated maps mobile with Street View and Walking Directions, I installed it but it didn't work. Does it work for anyone?
By the way, when it does work, hopefully it will have data for Israel. I'd love to see street view from afar!
What Are the 4% of You Doing?
I really do believe that the 4% of you who claim you never Googled yourselves are full of it. The other 96% of you are normal people. Congratulations.
Google Causes Stock Decline
Last week, the local paper in the city where I grew up was picked up in Google's news archives and caused a huge stock decline. Whose fault is it really, though? Well, we asked you, and most of you blamed it on Google. I must say I disagree; I believe it was the newspaper's fault for putting a story from 2002 on the front page, and they should've immediately addressed it. When they didn't, it became Google's problem, according to 34% of you. Uh, no.
Google Hearts Yahoo and Yahoo Hearts Google
Will Google ads be on Yahoo? It looks like October 11th will be the day that we'll see it live. Will the SEC review it? Maybe before then, maybe afterwards, but there will probably be no flexibility with that start date at this time.
Yahoo Redesign "Live" but Nobody Sees it
Yahoo will be getting more personalized with its new redesign which has been rolled out to select users, or so they say. It looks nice, but I want to try it!
G'day mates!