I cover Google a lot here, because that is what people talk about in the forums - mostly. But yesterday, Google joined Twitter at http://twitter.com/google and the online world went berserk. Google has 26,093 right now and it is growing. Yahoo http://twitter.com/yahoo only has 4,709 and they have been on Twitter for a while, and Live Search http://twitter.com/live_search only has 1,434 followers. Let's not forget Ask.com http://twitter.com/askdotcom with a whopping 94 followers.
Google joins and gets 25,000 in 24 hours. What brand power!
FYI, if you want to follow me on Twitter, I am at http://twitter.com/rustybrick. I only have 3,400 followers right now.
Forum discussion at DigitalPoint Forums and Sphinn.