Just a heads up to you Google AdWords API users. If you are running development tests off Google's sandbox environment, do not that it is having technical issues for the past day or two.
A Google Groups thread has confirmation of the issue by Google's Jeff Posnick.
Jeff Posnick said:
The engineering team is working to resolve what is believed to be the cause of this Sandbox issue. Without getting into too many details, they'll be addressing a database-related issue that seems to have cropped up in a recent deployment of the Sandbox servers. I don't have an ETA for when this will be completed, but will update the group with any additional information as it becomes available.
It does not seem to be fixed yet, so just hang tight and keep watching the thread.
Forum discussion at Google Groups.
Update: It should have been back up as of 2:30pm today. Jeff updated the thread saying:
Yes, there was just an update made a few minutes ago that will hopefully restore functionality for most of our users. However, my understanding is that there is another change that the engineering team still needs to push out a bit later today, so I don't want to say that things are completely stable until that's complete.