A WebmasterWorld thread has discussion started from a webmaster of a five year old e-commerce site, which had seen a drop in their Google Image search traffic, only to notice that their images are still in the Google results, but Google is using a different source to display the images. What that means is that Google thinks the other source is the true source of the images, while in fact, that source has stolen the images from the true owner.
Clearly, this webmaster is upset that this third party is getting credit for the images, and profiting from them. What can he do? Here are recommendations from both the thread and my own ideas:
- I would post a thread at Google Webmaster Help and call out @SusanMoskwa to look at it.
- File a DMCA with Google
- File a DMCA with the site's hosting company.
- Email or call the person who took your images
- Call a lawyer
There are more ideas in the WebmasterWorld.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.
This article was written earlier this week and scheduled to go live April 10th.