The summer is coming up and that means there are plenty of college and high school students looking for a couple months of work. Typically, you can hire these college or high school students at extremely low rates. It is the summer internship possibilities that come up yearly. I do hear that many people in this position are having a tough time finding work, especially paid work - like the rest of the world. But it may be the time for your company to tack on these interns.
A WebmasterWorld thread has discussion around using interns for link building. Some believe that if trained well and you have good quality assurance measures in place, putting interns in the position of link builders is a no-brainer. Others believe it would be a waste to hire an intern with no link building experience and have them do link building for you for two months.
Personally, I think it would be a good job for an intern. They surf the web all day, looking at web sites and get paid or college credit, for doing so. But do you agree?
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Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.