Every now and then we reach out to our Google AdSense publisher readership and poll them on how their earnings are doing month to month. Recently, I have been hearing buzz around the community that earnings are down, so I decided to run an anonymous poll asking if that was true.
56% of the responses said their earnings were down, while only 25% said their earnings were up and 20% said earnings were about the same. Here are the results:
Question: July 2009 AdSense Earnings: Up Or Down?
:: Way Down said 36 respondents or 35%
:: Down said 21 respondents or 21%
:: No Real Change said 20 respondents or 20%
:: Up said 18 respondents or 18%
:: Way Up said 7 respondents or 7%
I hope you are on the up side of this poll.
Forum discussion continued at WebmasterWorld.