Oliver Fisher from the Google Anti-Malware team has posted a thread at Google Webmaster Help announcing that the team is now fielding questions. This team specifically works on making sure the Google search results are safe from malware and viruses and often impacts many webmasters.
To ask your questions, you need to use Google Moderator and either submit questions and/or vote on other questions. The Google Anti-Malware team will typically pick the most voted for questions to answer first.
Oliver from Google said:
The Google Anti-Malware engineering team knows you have many questions related to our scanning and flagging of infected sites, some with short and simple answers and some with more complex answers. The short-answer questions are already -- we hope -- adequately handled on the Webmaster Forums; now we want to do a better job at answering the more complex questions.To this end, we have created a Google Moderator page for you to submit your questions, and to vote on other webmasters' questions. In two weeks (on Friday the 28th of August), we will close the page and select a few of the top-rated questions. Over the course of the next several weeks, we will do our best to answer each of these in a write-up, to be published here and to the Webmaster Malware Forum.
We hope to repeat this exercise (with a fresh Moderator page) in the fall to give you the opportunity to ask more questions.
This is a great opportunity to learn more about Google's anti-malware process and have your questions answered.
Forum discussion at Google Webmaster Help.