A couple weeks ago, I asked our readers how feasible it was to rank in the number one spot in Google.com and at the same time rank #1 in a regional flavored Google search space. We have just about a hundred responses, so I wanted to share the results with you.
In short, 86% of the respondents said it was possible. 46% said yes, it is doable, 40% said it depends on the keyword, 11% said it was not possible and the rest didn't really answer the question. Here is the visual breakdown:
Question: Can You Rank #1 In Regional Google & Google.com?
:: Yes said 45 respondents or 46%
:: Depends On Keyword said 39 respondents or 40%
:: No said 11 respondents or 11%
:: Other answer... said 2 respondents or 2%
Forum discussion continued at HighRankings Forums.