Below is live coverage of the Real Time Search: Opportunity Or Hype? from the SMX East 2009 conference.
This coverage is provided by Barry Schwartz of RustyBrick.
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Real Time Search: Opportunity Or Hype? | (10/06/2009) |
10:43 | Barry Schwartz: Had a small chat prior to the session with Google's PM of Blog Search Jeremy Hylton. Nice guy. He commutes 4 hours per day to work at Google. |
10:47 | Barry Schwartz: Here we go. |
10:48 | Barry Schwartz: Danny starts off with a preso on real time search... |
10:49 | Barry Schwartz: Real time search to Danny is getting real time content, published with content. |
10:50 | Barry Schwartz: He said Google News is not real time search, b/c it is not real time content, it takes time for the content to be written.... |
10:50 | Barry Schwartz: Digg is not real time search |
10:50 | Barry Schwartz: Real time is a picture taken on yfrog or Tweeting something |
10:51 | Barry Schwartz: Facebook is real time, when you publish your thought. |
10:51 | Barry Schwartz: Real time to Danny is micro blog content. |
10:51 | Barry Schwartz: Who is doing that? |
10:52 | Barry Schwartz: Twitter Search but it is only searching Twitter and it's ranking algorithm is time and they also lose tweets |
10:52 | Barry Schwartz: Facebook also is real time search engine, the issue is you are only searching facebook and you only see public facebook stuff. |
10:52 | Barry Schwartz: Friendfeed also works and it combines Twitter/facebook etc if the user chooses |
10:53 | Barry Schwartz: Meta Real Time Search players such as collecta, scoopler, twingly, etc. |
10:53 | Barry Schwartz: There are also real time meme trackers, etc. CrowdEye, OneRiot, Tweetmeme, Topsy and Twittorati |
10:54 | Barry Schwartz: It is not showing you real time search, but showing you what is being "shared in real time." |
10:54 | Barry Schwartz: Challenges: Big Players, Walled Gardens and Firehoses |
10:54 | Barry Schwartz: Facebook is a walled garden |
10:55 | Barry Schwartz: Twitter has a firehose but it is not real time... |
10:55 |  | BrentDPayne: Danny Sullivan: Twitter, Facebook, collecta, scoopler, twingly, etc. Are real time search engines. #smx |
10:56 | Barry Schwartz: Google, Yahoo, Bing aren't doing much with this at the whole. |
10:56 | Barry Schwartz: Kimbal Mush from OneRiot is now up. |
10:56 | Barry Schwartz: He disagrees with Danny, he said. |
10:56 | Barry Schwartz: The user wants to know what is going on. and the user doesnt know what microblogging is. |
10:57 |  | BeTheNeedle: It is really difficult to get access to the large fire hoses of data at Twitter and Facebook because they don’t release it #smx |
10:57 | Barry Schwartz: He shows an example of a search on SMX on oneriot, nice, SERoundtable is currently number one result. |
10:58 | Barry Schwartz: He then shows a slide of Halloween |
10:58 | Barry Schwartz: On any subject, there are thousands of tweets per minute. Tweets are an excellent source of content, but they need to be cleaned by the end user. |
10:59 | Barry Schwartz: That is where oneriot comes in. |
10:59 |  | BeTheNeedle: Kimbal Musk of OneRiot saying that users just want to know what’s going on right now, what’s being talked about right now #smx |
10:59 | Barry Schwartz: Real time search is being leveraged on properties along the web. |
10:59 | Barry Schwartz: SEOs need to watch out because these results are appearing in millions of places every day. So watch out for it. |
11:01 | Barry Schwartz: Jeremy Hylton of Google Blog Search is now up |
11:01 | Barry Schwartz: He disagrees with Danny on what is real time search. |
11:01 | Barry Schwartz: Real time is a part of freshness, but we need to think about what a user is looking for. |
11:02 | Barry Schwartz: Google has become faster and faster at ranking new content. |
11:02 | Barry Schwartz: Twitter is great, but, if you look at the example of searches, you see people linking to something else. Twitter search results require you to follow more info. |
11:03 | Barry Schwartz: Google wants to look at that info and find the best link for that search. |
11:04 | Barry Schwartz: News articles get updated frequently, live blogging is lagged maybe a few minutes but that lag is useful. Wikipedia is often updated in minutes also. Take timely content and delivering that content when users want it, is real time search. |
11:04 | Barry Schwartz: You got to worry about spam, coverage and freshness. |
11:04 |  | eryckfromtogo: #smx it is funny how all the panelists so far "respectfully" disagree with @DannySullivan on his definition of real time search |
11:05 | Barry Schwartz: You need good ranking, internationalization, localized content. |
11:05 |  | BeTheNeedle: Jeremy Hylton talking about Google Trends and defending that web results offer very fresh and near realtime updates such as wikipedia #smx |
11:06 | Barry Schwartz: He said with facebook and walled gardens, we need open standards on giving users the ability to say how they want their content out there. |
11:06 | Barry Schwartz: Ken Moss from CrowdEye is next up, a search engine focusing on Twitter. |
11:06 | Barry Schwartz: They help users keep their finger on the pulse of what is happening on the web. |
11:08 | Barry Schwartz: Examples of big twitter searches and discussion include iran elections, michael jackson, etc. this is a massive community of people coming together to express opinions. |
11:08 |  | beebow: "MicroBlogs are a big deal" - Ken Moss of CrowdEye #smx (real time search: opportunity or hype?" panel) |
11:09 | Barry Schwartz: Side note: Funny how I am incorporating live tweets in my live blogging on this live real time search panel |
11:09 | Barry Schwartz: They show a chart on the tweet volume for words over time. |
11:10 | Barry Schwartz: They now rank people on twitter based on influence |
11:11 | Barry Schwartz: They crawl the links that people are tweeting to pick up topics within those tweets |
11:11 | Barry Schwartz: They think they give you a view of Twitter that gives you more perspective on what is going on in your space. |
11:12 | Barry Schwartz: They offer a customized home page, where you can save queries as a home page or dashboard. |
11:12 | Barry Schwartz: They offer personalized follow suggestions for you |
11:12 | Barry Schwartz: They also offer you a people search |
11:13 | Barry Schwartz: Gerry Campbell from Collecta is now up |
11:13 |  | eryckfromtogo: #smx Crowdeye is using relevance and influence as part of the search algorythm... I would like to see that formula, sounds biased. |
11:16 | Barry Schwartz: Collecta is about streaming real time |
11:16 | Barry Schwartz: Is real time search over hyped? Yes, he said. |
11:16 | Barry Schwartz: No one knows what is the opportunity here is yet |
11:17 | Barry Schwartz: There is something of value here, how do we know this? you measure it by user intent and that is what they do. |
11:19 | Barry Schwartz: He shows a slide on what people are doing on real time search but he said this is his own stuff and by no means a real survey, so kind of scared to share it |
11:21 | Barry Schwartz: Okay... Here...
- Shop/Bus/Mktg
- Person Name
- Local/Travel
- Tech/Sci
- Adult
- COnference Events
- HEalth
- Brands
- Policits
- Sports
- Enterainment
- News
11:21 | Barry Schwartz: How much is commercial? About 20% he said. |
11:23 |  | mblumenthal: #smx real time search Query stream in real time search similar 2 regular search in general but news entertainment & brands show higher rates |
11:23 | Barry Schwartz: Vipul Ved Prakash from Topsy is last up |
11:23 |  | eryckfromtogo: #smx we are not ready to monetize to monetize real time search. Until we figure out user pattern..A new Ad model is required & needed |
11:24 |  | mblumenthal: #smx collecta: 20% of queries on Twitter have commercial intent |
11:24 | Barry Schwartz: Quick Demo of Topsy... |
11:26 | Barry Schwartz: They also show all the Retweets of stories on the web. |
11:26 | Barry Schwartz: A search on SMX shows SELand's recap is the most RTed article on the show |
11:27 | Barry Schwartz: That is all |
11:28 |  | golander59: Gerry Campbell has some interesting data on the types of real time queries people are making. Tech, politic’s were high %’s #smx |
11:28 |  | mblumenthal: #smx realtime search stream very volatile |
11:28 | Barry Schwartz: Q&A Time, restarting computer first |
11:36 | Barry Schwartz: Back... They are now arguing about what real time search is... |
11:36 |  | DragonSearch: Real time search for DSM? I need to know what people are saying about our client’s brand Right NOW!! #smx |
11:36 |  | golander59: Jeremy Hylton says @ times Google measures the minutes it takes to see a new product launch by a company get to the # 1 spot in SERP #smx |
11:36 |  | eryckfromtogo: RT @Topheratl: Watching a Google guy dance all around the question about real time rankings #smx Too Funny, where is the Popcorn at? |
11:38 |  | brendanful: Real time search pnl. discussion was good after pres. presentations seemed a bit sales pitch oriented. would have liked more insight #smx |
11:39 |  | golander59: Danny wants more structure and sentiment analysis in real time search #smx or at least that’s what I understood him asking for. |
11:43 | Barry Schwartz: Just sharing the tweets about the Q&A, more fun for me that way |
11:49 | Barry Schwartz: Yea, Q&A is a bit boring for me and I guess the Twitterverse. |
11:49 | Barry Schwartz: Session over in about ten minutes... |
11:50 | Barry Schwartz: Next session at 1:30 (EST) and we are covering yet another four sessions live:
1:30pm-2:45pm Ask The Search Engines: Best Practices Edition covered by Barry Schwartz Pumping Up YouTube covered by Debra Mastaler Search Marketing & The Ad Agency covered by Brian Ussery The Interplay of Social Media & Paid Search covered by Justin Davy |
11:55 | 