Threads at both WebmasterWorld and Google AdWords Help report that many advertisers are getting automated emails from Google with notifications or warnings that they have submitted too many "poor quality landing pages" and will be or have been permanently banned from using Google AdWords as an advertisers.
The email notification looks like this:
Your Google AdWords account has been suspended due to multiple submissions of poor quality landing pages. We are unable to revoke your account suspension, and we will not accept advertisements from you in the future.
Some are just getting harsh warnings, while others are being banned out right.
In the WebmasterWorld an Google customer of four years had issue with this. He said:
The email also mentions that it is a final warning. It tells me if they find any ad in the future that is in violation with the site quality guidelines (the product itself is not the problem) they will immediately disqualify me from participating in the AdWords program. Now, that is a problem.A bit strange? Also because Iām using Adwords more then 4 years and then I receive an automated email in English while I have a Dutch account.
Is this some type of Google bug or is Google serious about this?
Currently, there are many angry advertisers and since this happened over the weekend, a Google AdWords representative has not had a chance to chime in on what is happening here.
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld and Google AdWords Help.