Live: Case Study: Integrating & Measuring Search As Part Of The Marketing Mix

Oct 6, 2009 - 3:10 pm 1 by
Filed Under SMX East 2009

Below is live coverage of the Case Study: Integrating & Measuring Search As Part Of The Marketing Mix from the SMX East 2009 conference.

This coverage is provided by Keri - Strike Models.

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Case Study: Integrating & Measuring Search As Part Of The Marketing Mix(10/06/2009) 
3:18 Keri Morgret:  

Case Study: Integrating & Measuring Search As Part Of The Marketing Mix – Talk, talk, talk about the need to integrate search into a regular marketing campaign. This session gets past the talk and shows you how it was done the right way, in a case study.

Moderator: Sara Holoubek, Consultant, Columnist, SEMPO President,


Keith Boswell, Director of Digital Marketing Strategy, Kaiser Permanente
Michael Kahn, SVP of Marketing, Performics
Jonathan Treiber, CEO, RevTrax
3:18 Keri Morgret:  Jonathan is up first, with a case study of Jackson Hewitt.
3:19 Keri Morgret:  They're #2 tax service company
6,800 locations nationwide
No e-Commerce
Publicly traded
3:21 Keri Morgret:  Campaign Overview:

JH wanted to do a performance-based search marketing campaign during the 2009 tax session.

31Media, a RevTrax search partner and expert in cross-channel search marketing, drove traffic via multiple search engines to a landing page.

RevTrax design and implemented the landing pages, then tracked lots of data down to the keyword level.
3:21 Keri Morgret:  The offer was a coupon for $20 off tax prep. There was a dynamic promotional-code generation and insertion. There was a send-to-mobile option via SMS.
3:22 Keri Morgret:  Basic landing page (option to print coupon or send to phone).
3:23 Keri Morgret:  Campaign Results:

  • 40% of clicked ads resulted in a printed coupon
  • 22% of printed coupons resulted in a sale
  • 40% of sales were by new customers
  • Average transaction size of $190
  • Average click yielded $17.19 of in-store revenue
3:26 Keri Morgret:  Talking about how the campaign got younger people in the door than their regular market. Mobile coupons had great results.
3:26 Keri Morgret:  Next year, the client is looking to put more money behind search to help create a shift from traditional print to online.
3:28 Keri Morgret:  Michael from Performics is up next.
3:28 Keri Morgret:  Starting with a graphic of search in the purchase funnel
3:29 Keri Morgret:  People are bouncing back and forth between media and experiences.
3:32 Keri Morgret:  Key SEM Integration Challenges and Solutions:

Challenge: Using Search to drive in-store traffic
Solution: Integrating offline promotions with search

Challenge: Measuring search's impact on offline sales
Solution: Create an online to offline feedback loop via a paid search coupon strategy

Challenge: Moving from a focus on clicks to a focus on consumers
Solution: Micro-targeting to efficiently deliver and convert audiences of one.

Tightly defined consumer segments increase paid search performance.

One key consumer attribute that is highly targetable is location to a retailer's physical stores, leveraging multi-channel opportunity.
3:32 Keri Morgret:  A multi-channel customer is more valuable than a single-channel customer.
3:33 Keri Morgret:  Cabela's Case Study: Paid search consumer geosegmentation approach.

Cabela's sells premier outdoor clothing and equipment to consumers. They have mega destination stores around the country. They also have catalog mailings and online marketing.

Their objective was they needed to drive traffic to their offline store.
3:34 Keri Morgret:  They also used a paid search couponing strategy to get people into the store for a holiday event.
3:35 Keri Morgret:  Search campaigns with brand keywords and holiday event keywords.

Geo-targeting strategies for stores within x mile radius

Adcopy that offers in-store coupons to the select audiences. Coupon could only be redeemed at the store location during the holiday event.

Construct intuitive landing pages that guide consumers through the coupon retrieval process.

Hard dollars off of a certain dollar amount has been very effective for the speaker across thousands of campaigns for many customers.
3:36 Keri Morgret:  Campaign was successful. 10% of clickers retrieved, 40% of the coupons were redeemed.
3:37 Keri Morgret:  Keith Boswell is up now.
3:38 Keri Morgret:  Integrating Search at Kaiser Permanente (non-profit health care provider)
3:40 Keri Morgret:  Early days at Kaiser (KP):
They did a drop-down navigation that killed the number of pages indexed.
They threw a party when they got their robots.txt in place.
They were forced to do paid search.

(missed the full explanation here)
3:41 Keri Morgret:  Challenges to change:

Offline was king
SEO was misunderstood
Ignorance is bliss. Economy was fine, no worries!
2007 began focus with economy
2008 went through extensive RFP and focused on search.
3:42 Keri Morgret:  Turning Point:

Paid search was the highest ROI
Tests: started at $25k/mo, grew to $500k a month within three months.

Other lines of business have similar ramp up in spend

Google's top spender and performer in healthcare
3:43 Keri Morgret:  Search at KP Today

Most business lines are active
2009 Paid Search > $6MM year
Paid inclusion drives at least one third of conversions
ROI from digital is driving spend
Planning integrated SEO and paid search (new for them)
3:44 Keri Morgret:  Things I've Learned on the Inside:

  • ROI and data rule. He didn't know how much data clients were using to determine ROI, when he was with agency
  • Politics as unusual
  • Decision by committee, even if it seemed simple. Lots of all-day meetings to meet on simple things.
3:45 Keri Morgret:  The future of search at KP:

Mobile and local are growing focus
Improve what we point people to
Making everything searchable
Understanding how search fits. Think of all of the assets as the first touch point.
3:47 Keri Morgret:  10 tips to integrate search:
  • Keyword research. Helps let people know the reality of what language people are using.
  • Tight segmentation, testing to help improve this.
  • Test and apply learnings
  • Create a CPC for SEO -- operational basis + what you're paying agency / organic traffic
  • Analytics are a must.
  • Reporting -- Open Access. Make them available to as many people as possible in the organization.
  • BLOG
  • Leverage your agency properly
  • Change works
  • Stay in sync for success
3:48 Keri Morgret:  Blogging gives them the ability to have constant fresh and unique content.
3:48 Keri Morgret:  Agencies can often be blamed, but it may be because they didn't have enough information.
3:53 Keri Morgret:  Interesting (to me) was that you could track coupon code back to keyword.
3:58 Keri Morgret:  Asking Keith about "rouge search campaigns".

The rogue campaigns perceive that the main office can't react to them quickly enough, they go and do it themselves, then there's mopping up things afterwards.
3:59 Keri Morgret:  Other people have also had this problem.
4:01 Keri Morgret:  Keith from KP is talking about needing a master keyword list and coordinating which properties should focus on which keywords.
4:05 Keri Morgret:  FYI, we're in Q&A right now.
4:08 Keri Morgret:  Michael is talking about overlaying information, such as car travel time to locations and using this to help geotarget.
4:11 Keri Morgret:  Jonathan is talking about how online shoppers don't cannibalize instore shopping.
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4:13 Keri Morgret:  Question: How do you introduce the "shiny new toy" like Twitter?
4:15 Keri Morgret:  Keith from KP talks about how some divisions have started using Twitter. One concern is violating HIPPA. Another issue of rogue operating when the division may not realize potential problems.
4:18 Keri Morgret:  Keith is asked to elaborate on the problems that the drop-down menus caused. You had to tell the site what region you were in when you clicked on anything.
4:22 Keri Morgret:  The Q&A has ended, and there's a previous about attribution, which is the next session in this room.



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