I've been holding on this topic for after the holiday break. A new and long WebmasterWorld thread has great discussion over the topic of AdWords advertisers being afraid to make change to their accounts. Why are they afraid? Well, they are afraid of being banned or their Quality Score dropping where they cannot compete and so on.
So what do they do? They slowly die out. As one advertiser explained:
We are afraid to do anything. We are not adding ads. We are not taking advantage of the new stuff google is offering. We just delete ads as they drop in QS. We are paralyzed and slowly dying.
The thread moved into the discussion of how Google treats affiliates in the AdWords space. Now, we discussed that often and maybe only affiliates feel paralyzed in AdWords, I am not sure. But I wanted to get a good feel from the AdWords advertiser base, if you feel this way also.
Please take my poll: AdWords Advertiser: Do You Feel Paralyzed?
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.