Have you checked out link count in Google Webmaster Tools today? If not, you may be in for a surprise when you do. It seems like most people's link counts are incredibly inflated.
A Google Webmaster Help thread and WebmasterWorld thread has several webmasters noticing the major inflation of their link counts in Google Webmaster Tools.
Personally, I see Google is telling me I have 974,494 links to this site. But some people are reporting just under 2.5 million links, where millions were added over a single night. Here is one report:
Today i have seen my webmaster account for my site to see "links to your site" section. It amazed me when i saw a figure "2,439,598" which is thousand times higher then what i've noted yesterday. Is it a bug in webmaster tools, or i actually have all these links.
So if you see some numbers that don't make sense in the Google link tool report, don't worry - it seems fairly wide spread.
Forum discussion at Google Webmaster Help and WebmasterWorld.