Daily Search Forum Recap: July 1, 2010

Jul 1, 2010 - 4:00 pm 0 by

Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web.

Search Engine Roundtable Stories:

  • Google Says New Links In Webmaster Tools Are Correct & Will Grow
    Monday we reported that the link reports in Google Webmaster Tools appeared to inflated. Many users started noticing huge increases (few noticed declines) in the number of links being displayed in the link report in Google Webmaster Tools. Most thought the spikes were unbelievable and had to be a bug. Some suspected it might have to do with the new Caffeine index launch. Well, Google finally replied telling us it is Caffeine related. JohnMu of
  • BP's Google AdWords Ad Goes Against Display URL Guidelines
    This is interesting, if you search for [oil spill] in Google, you should see an ad for BP. The display URL on that ad is www.BP.com/OilSpillClean but if you click on it, you are taken to YouTube.com and not BP.com. This clearly goes against Google AdWords display URL policy that reads: Your display URL must accurately reflect the landing page URL of the website you're advertising. It should match the domain of your landing page
  • Google News Redesign Now Live : Do You Like It?
    Google has been testing a new design for a while now, those who see it and write about it, have been complaining. We posted early pictures of the design in February. But now, anyone who goes to http://news.google.com/ will see the design. The Google News blog explains why and shows before and after pictures, including a video. Danny also does an excellent analysis of the change. Here is the video: Here is a picture, of
  • Google Confusing 301 Redirects?
    A WebmasterWorld thread has reports that Google is confusing 301 redirects as 302 redirects. This can be a serious issue, because 301s are the type of redirects SEOs and webmasters use to properly pass link juice and page factors from an old URL to a new. If Google considers these 301s as 302s, temporary redirects, it can cause pretty large issues with passing link value from one URL to another. At the same time, there
  • Happy Canada Day From Google & Bing
    Wanted to wish our Canadian readers a very happy Canada Day! Google Canada and Bing (even US) have special logos or themes up for the day. Yahoo Canada does not. Here is the outstanding Google Canada Day logo: Here is Bing USA for Canada Day: Here is Bing Canada Today: Forum discussion at Google Blogoscoped Forums.
  • Bing Releases Advanced Query Guide: SEOs Take A Look
    Bing has released a section explained their advanced search operators that can be used on Bing.com. Here is a list of those explained operators: altloc:ANDcontains:definedomain:feed:filetype:hasfeed:imagesize:inanchor:inbody:instreamset:intitle:ip:keywordlanguage:literalmeta:loc:location:meta:msite:near:noalter:norelax:NOTORsite:url:-&&&():[]|||"phrase” Tedster in a WebmasterWorld thread explains the value of such operators: Bing just published (and publicized) an extensive list of Advance Operators. What a look into their search technology this offers! For example, here's a description of the advanced operator norelax: norelax: Only allow search word, phrase or word: in
  • Google Drops AdWords Professionals Label In Help Forum
    About a year ago Google started to help Google Advertising Professionals stand out in the forums by giving them a special label by their name. Sarah from Google told us in a Google AdWords Help thread that this label is now removed. She explained, "recently revamped the old Google Advertising Professional Program and relaunched the Google AdWords Certification Program." Due to that change Google has "removed the 'Google Advertising Professional' label from forum users until

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