Microsoft is buying Google Ads to promote its search engine, Bing, on Google Search. I think this has been going on a long time, but you can trigger Bing Ads on Google Search through the Google Ads system for some queries.
Glenn Gabe posted about it several days ago on X, he wrote, "Inception for Search Engines -> Bing running Google Ads, driving users to Bing search results, which leads to affiliate content."
Here is what it looks like:
When you click on the ad in Google Search, you are taken to the Bing Search results for that query. The Bing search results page has its on Microsoft Advertising search ads, it has product listings and more affiliate content. Here is a partial screenshot:
Just as an FYI, did this over a decade ago.
It makes you wonder if Bing is doing this to win over Google users or if they have some sort of model where they can make more on their ad clicks than what they are paying for the Google Ad click...
Forum discussion at X.