About five years ago, Jim Boykin as his company, acquired WebmasterWorld forums, DevShed properties, Cre8asite and a bunch of other properties. Well, five years later, Brett Tabke, the founder of WebmasterWorld, has bought it back from Jim Boykin.
With that transaction, Brett not only now owns his baby, WebmasterWorld, but also SEOChat.com and DevShed.com.
The financial deal was not disclosed.
Jim Boykin said on Facebook:
I sold Webmasterworld back to Brett Tabke (as well as Brett gets several other communities such as SEOChat.com and DevShed.com ).For 5 years I was the CEO of the DeveloperShed communities, and now I can focus on just Ninjas, and our services. Ann Smarty now moves to our Analyst Team, as well as we get Neil Marshall part time for our Analysist Team too. I’m very excited to pass the torch back to Brett. I also would like to thank all the admins and mods for allowing me to lead these communities...it was an amazing honor and privilege to work together...and thank you for all who have ever participated in these forums. These communities Rock, and I believe that Brett can do more now for the communities than I can. Brett’s excited, I’m excited, and at the admin/mod dinner last night, everyone seemed to be understanding and excited to work with Brett again... I’m feeling lucky to have had this privilege for 5 years, and lucky that Brett can take over and move the forums even more than I can now.
Brett Tabke said on WebmasterWorld:
I’m thrilled to announce that, today, I’ve re-acquired WebmasterWorld from Jim Boykin, jimsthoughts, who has owned the site since October 2012.The site’s been in Jim’s safe hands for the last five years, and when the opportunity recently came up I just had to get involved again.
Jim Boykin said, “I’m delighted Brett it is taking back control of WebmasterWorld, and it’s as if WebmasterWorld is coming home.”
Thank you, Jim, for caring, investing, and looking after WebmasterWorld over the years. Now, it’s time to move into the next era.
Congrats to both!
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.