Today on Google's home page is a special Google logo, Doodle, for the woman who invented the first test you were ever given in this world - the Apgar score. It is a score used to summarize the health of newborn children against infant mortality and it includes appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.
This score is generally done within one and five minutes after birth, so this is really the first test most of you were given. Since then, you've been given tests all the time. :) You can learn more on how the scoring works on Wikipedia.
The Google Doodle remembers Dr. Virginia Apgar and this very important contribution to the medical world.
Dr. Virginia Apgar was born 109 years ago today on June 7, 1909 in Westfield, New Jersey - just about an hour drive from where I am writing this. She died at the age of 65 on August 7, 1974 in New York City.
Google wrote "Today, on what would’ve been her 109th birthday, we celebrate a woman whose incredible life’s work continues to touch – and sometimes save – brand new lives every day."
Forum discussion at Twitter.