The Apps for Google Glass are now rolling in and on the marketers front, we now have Google Analytics and Google AdSense reporting on Google Glass.
Google Glass developer +Chad Smith share the code base to make it happen with other developers. Because of the API limitations on the number of requests allowed per token, Chad decided to require Glass owners to install the code themselves and use their own tokens. This is a smart move but makes it harder for non-developers to install, although most Glass owners are very technical.
I have both installed and it simply rocks. I can check my analytics while driving home from work without being distracted (too much).
Here are screen grabs of the reports.
Google Analytics On Google Glass shows you visits and pageviews for today, yesterday, last week, past month. You can refresh the analytics throughout the day and "pin" it to your timeline.
Google AdSense on Google Glass shows you you the same but adds last month in addition to this month, and it shows pageviews, clicks, CTR and earnings.
Here is how to install Glass Analytics and Glass AdSense.
What is next for Chad? He said a Whois lookup + domain registration app. Not a bad idea.