Google Ads is either beta testing or slowly releasing a feature to let you add three campaign-level headlines and two campaign-level descriptions. You can also schedule the headlines and descriptions to run at certain times or stick them on specific positions.
This was spotted by Boris Beceric who posted about it on LinkedIn - he wrote that this is "This is one of the best new Google Ads features" and it is "not talked about nearly enough."
He explained that what if "you need to update your ad copy during special periods." You can use this to "enter campaign level headlines and descriptions." Then you can "can now associate up to 3 campaign level headlines and 2 descriptions. Additionally, you can schedule them to run at certain times. You can also pin them to specific positions," he added.
Here is how to see this option, under the "new" section - some are seeing it labeled as "BETA" and some are not seeing it:
Then here is the headline setting:
Here are the steps to do this according to Boris:
- click the campaigns icon
- click the assets drop down in the section menu
- click assets
- select the “associations” table view
- click the filter icon filter, then select all asset types or headlines or descriptions
- click the + button
- select the campaigns to apply the headline or descriptions to
- add a headline or description in the text box
- option: to the right of any headline or description you wish to pin, click the pin icon pin, then choose the position you’d like to pin that headline or description to
- option: click “advanced options” to enter scheduling details
- start date: if you select the start date as “none”, the schedule will start at the current date
- end date:If you select the end date as “none”, the schedule will continue indefinitely
- click save