The folks at aimClear put together what they call AdWords #PPC Hack 53: Exploiting Google Instant. In a sense, what he is doing is forcing AdWords ads for short tail keywords that are not being bid on.
How? Well, as Marty explains is that when people use Google Instant they may be shown ads before they finish their query. So what they did was look for what predictive auto-completions Google offers without any ads being displayed and then they bid on those keywords for virtually pennies on the dollar.
Got that? For example, if someone is looking to buy ads for [data extraction] on Google but doesn't want to pay what the other advertisers are paying or bidding against each other for that keyword phrase. He looked for auto completes for [data ex...] and noticed the keyword phrase [data execution prevention] had no real ads.
They tested placing an exact match ad for this keyword and realized huge cost savings. They claimed "cost was $.20 average CPC, as opposed to $9.00 +. " That is huge!
Smart and savvy way to utilize (not necessarily hack) your way to a smarter way of bidding on keywords. Do you agree?
Forum discussion at Sphinn.