Two months ago, I got very emotional about my ugly face not showing up in Google. To make a long story short, whenever anyone searched on virtually anything about search, SEO or Google, my face was bound to show up on the first page of Google either via a story I wrote here or on Search Engine Land.
But suddenly, several months ago, my authorship, my author rich snippets, disappeared specifically for this site. It did not disappear for other major sites as well. Google confirmed last month there was a bug with authorship that impacted "very few sites."
I've been checking randomly since then and I am now starting to see my picture, pulled from my Google+ profile, show up again in the search results for this site.
For example, a search on a story on this site returns my image next to the search results:
It is not yet on all my stories, but that might take some more time.
Did your authorship return as well?
Forum discussion continued at Google Webmaster Help.