Earlier this month, Bing announced a pilot to allow some publishers to submit content and the HTML to the search engine without Bing having to crawl the page at all. This would effectively remove the requirement to crawl these sites. I asked Google if it is considering doing so as well and the company said no.
At the 22:43 mark into the video, I asked Google's John Mueller about this. He said as far as he knows, Google not coordinating with Bing on submitting URLs or HTML instead of crawling the web. Google does have the indexing API but that API is just for job posts and live streams, John said it is "significantly different from what Bing is doing."
John said that whenever Google has discussed the possibility of getting content faster from sites that produce a lot of content frequently by using some sort of indexing API, he said all of those discussions lead Google to saying they still want to crawl the sites. He said so far, Google prefers to be able to crawl the pages and pick up the content from there, versus being fed the content and HTML without crawling.
Here is the embed of where I asked John this and he answered:
Forum discussion at YouTube Community.