Last night, if you were looking for more information on the person behind the horrendous Texas Church shootings and you went to Google and searched for [devin patrick kelley] you may have been disturbed to see some of the Twitter posts, Tweets, Google was surfacing right below the news box.
Jonathon Morgan posted a screen shot on Twitter which directed Google searchers to the Twitter feed of InfoWars editor Paul Watson for the Google search results for Devin Patrick Kelley. Here is that screen shot:
Danny Sullivan, now at Google, said on Twitter that he'd "take the feedback back to our search team." He then added that "the tweets there, of course, often change." "Nor should they have been the first thing listed," he said.
He went through more examples in that thread of how the tweets were looking better. But knowing Danny, this is the type of thing he would point out as a failure on Google's part and something their algorithms should have handled better. Either by only surfacing certain types of Twitter accounts or removing Tweets from this search result completely.
Forum discussion at Twitter.
More from Danny Sullivan of Google on this: