Google UK has a special logo for the birthday of Edmond Halley but there is a small mistake most of you may not notice.
Edmond Halley was born on November 8, 1656 and thus is celebrating his 355th birthday. When you place your mouse over the Google Doodle, it wishes Edmond Halley birthday celebrations for his 335th birthday.
The day is half over in the UK and Google has yet to fix the typo.
It seemed to only bother one person, who posted a complaint in the Google Web Search Help forums. He wrote:
You have put that its Edmond Halley's 335th birthday when it is actually his 355th.
Harmless typo - I am sure Google will fix it.
Halley was born in London, England and died at the age of 85 on January 14, 1742 in London. He was best known for computing the orbit of the eponymous Halley's Comet.
Forum discussion at Google Web Search Help & Google Blogoscoped Forums.