One of the most popular reports within Google Webmaster Tools is the links to your site report. If SEOs are obsessed with anything, it is links.
So when you see things in that report that look out of the norm, it can be scary.
One Webmaster reported in a Google Webmaster Help thread that he is seeing negative numbers in his links report!
Negative links? How is that possible? How can a site have negative amount of links?
In the "Who links the most" section of the report, it shows this guys own web site and has a negative sign (minus sign) in front of the number. He asked, "Why do I have a - by my website?"
Google's JohnMu replied "I'll pass it on to the team to review."
Do you think this is a sign of:
(1) Google not counting certain links?
(2) Google not counting links from your own site to your own site?
(3) Just a weird bug that Google will fix?
Forum discussion at Google Webmaster Help.