People ask me all the time to ask Google questions on their live hangouts. I cover a lot of the hangouts, a lot of what John Mueller and friends say but I honestly do not ask that many questions. I don't ask the questions because I feel bad hogging the hangouts. But I always tell people, they can submit questions via the Q&A moderator in the hangout.
John Mueller typically starts by answering questions submitted in the Q&A system and then goes to live questions at the end. So submit your questions there.
Google does have a calendar of upcoming live events over here. So check them out, they have them in many languages. Click on the ones relevant to you, click on the Q&A icon and submit your question. Then listen to see if Google answers your question and if you think it is unique enough, let me know and maybe I'll cover it.
Here is the current agenda:
Forum discussion at Twitter.