Two quick Google Maps updates for you, one related to the change Google made in the UK and one related to a bug with printing My Maps features.
Google Maps UK Junction Number Labels
I don't know much about how the UK labels their roads, but apparently Google made a change to the Google Maps junction labels to numbers and UK commuters are not happy.
A Google Maps Help thread has some complaints, including this one:
Google Maps seems to have been recently changed from displaying the numbers of non-motorway roads along the road like road names instead of horizontally in a box.
Google agreed and Dave from Google said, "Yes - we are planning to rollback to the previous style. Sorry about the inconvenience in the meantime."
My Maps Printer Issues
A Google Maps Help thread has a complaint where the markers added to a Googler user's My Maps is not printing when he hits the printer view. I confirmed the issue. This guy labeled a bunch of places throughout the tri-state New York area and when he goes to print it, it doesn't print those markers.
Google's Brian B. said, "Thanks for escalating. The team is aware of this printing issue and is working to resolve it asap."
Here is a picture of the maps view:
Here is a picture of the print view: