Google August 2024 Core Update Rolling Out - Will Small Sites Rank Again?

Aug 16, 2024 - 7:51 am 539 by
Filed Under Google Updates

Google August 2024 Core Update

The time has finally arrived; the day you all have been waiting for is here - the Google August 2024 core update started rolling out on Thursday at 11 am ET. Yea, you all saw it coming, Google told us it was near and now it has finally landed. It will take about a month to fully roll out and "useful" small and independent publishers will see their rankings improve with this one - at least that is what Google implied.

Google announced, "we launched our August 2024 core update to Google Search." "This update is designed to continue our work to improve the quality of our search results by showing more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well on Search," John Mueller of Google added.

John specifically said that this "latest update takes into account the feedback we’ve heard from some creators and others over the past few months." Meaning, "This update also aims to better capture improvements that sites may have made, so we can continue to surface the best of the web." This includes, "small or independent sites that are creating useful, original content on relevant searches," he wrote.

Note: Google confirmed a search ranking bug affecting a large number of results this morning - so I'd disregard any ranking changes we saw in the past 24-hours. This update will take a month to roll out anyway...

Google August 2024 Core Update Quick Facts:

Here are the most important things that we know right now in short form:

  • Name: Google August 2024 Broad Core Update
  • Launched: August 15, 2024 at around 11 am ET
  • Rollout: Will take about four weeks to roll out
  • Targets: It looks at all types of content
  • Penalty: It is not a penalty, it promotes or rewards great web pages
  • Global: This is a global update impacting all regions, in all languages.
  • Impact: The normal core update stuff around helpful content but this one should also reward small and independent publishers.
  • Discover: Core updates impact Google Discover and other features, also feature snippets and more.
  • Recover: If you were hit by this, then you will need to look at your content and see if you can do better with Google's core update advice.
  • Refreshes: Google will do periodic refreshes to this algorithm but may not communicate those updates in the future. Maybe this is what we saw the past couple of weeks or all those unconfirmed Google updates.

Google August 2024 Core Update Details

Google wrote on its blog:

Today, we launched our August 2024 core update to Google Search. This update is designed to continue our work to improve the quality of our search results by showing more content that people find genuinely useful and less content that feels like it was made just to perform well on Search.

This latest update takes into account the feedback we’ve heard from some creators and others over the past few months. As always, we aim to connect people with a range of high quality sites, including “small” or “independent” sites that are creating useful, original content on relevant searches. This is an area we’ll continue to address in future updates. This update also aims to better capture improvements that sites may have made, so we can continue to surface the best of the web.

We’ve also updated our help page about core updates, which includes more in-depth guidance for those who may see changes after an update.

I should note that most of you did not send in feedback for Google on these updates.

Google posted on its search status dashboard at 10:87 am ET, "Released the August 2024 core update. The rollout may take up to a month to complete."

Google also posted on social at X and on LinkedIn:

Core Update Documentation Changes

Here is what Google changed in its core update help documentation. It was vastly re-written to explain how core updates work, how to see if there was a traffic drop, what to keep in mind and how long it takes to see results.

Google said it "restructured the core updates documentation so it has clearer sections and includes information from other docs (such as traffic drops and the self-assessment guidance).

Here is the new version (click to enlarge):

click for full size

Here is the old version (click to enlarge):

click for full size

Here is a summary:

Google also reduced duplication with the helpful content FAQ and redirected that page and then moved the helpful content system section to the archived section of the ranking systems guide.

Previous Broad Core Updates

Here is a list of the most recent core updates we've seen since Google started to confirm them. Previously we nicknamed them Phantom updates or unconfirmed updates.

Previous Helpful Content Update Impact

Here is the list of the previous Google helpful content updates:

Google Tracking Tools On August 2024 Core Update (So Far)

Note - these ranking volatility charts probably show the search ranking bug and not the impact of the August core update. But I am posting them anyway...





Advanced Web Rankings:


Cognitive SEO:
















Data For SEO:


SEO Chatter

Most of the SEO community is trying to be hopeful, but there is just a lot of anxiety floating around. Many are super skeptical that they will see any positive movement from these changes. Some expect Google to rank their sites better soon. But again, most do not trust they will see any improvements to their rankings.

I am not quoting tons of people because there is not much out there that is useful, so I summarized what I have been reading across the SEO communities.

But these guys do not seem wrong:

And on the ranking bug, Google confirmed a search ranking bug affecting a large number of results this morning - so I'd disregard any ranking changes we saw in the past 24-hours. This update will take a month to roll out anyway...

As Glenn Gabe put it:

Finally, we may be seeing some recoveries from some of the most vocal publishers hit by the helpful content update - or maybe it is the ranking bug? Who knows:

Lily Ray seeing it also?

I hope many of you see recoveries with this August 2024 core update - do keep us posted.

Forum discussion at X and on LinkedIn.


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