Google has confirmed an issue with the Google Search Console Performance reports specific to image search. The issue is a logging issue that may result in your clicks and impressions data in those reports being lower than normal. Google said the issue began on Monday, January 24, 2022 and is still ongoing.
It is unclear if Google will be able to backfill the data or not. It is also unclear when the issue will be revised.
We do know that this is just a reporting glitch and this is not specific to any ranking changes for your images in Google Images or web search.
Here is what Google posted "Search data for images is affected by a logging issue that might cause you to see a drop in clicks and impressions for images on your site in the Performance report. We're working on resolving this issue. This issue is a logging issue only; it does not reflect a drop in either user behavior or search results on Google."
Forum discussion at Twitter.
Update: This issue is between January 24th and January 27th, so annotate your reports appropriately.