Back in 2013, we thought we would get one-years worth of search query data within Google Webmaster Tools report, but that never happened. Instead, Google said export the data and store in on your end.
The question comes up a lot in the forums and live hangouts and it came up this morning again at the 27 minute mark in the Google+ hangout this morning. Robb said Google Analytics has data for us forever and with search query data being not provided in analytics, can you give us more data?
John Mueller responded a the 27:30 minute mark that this request was one of the "top requests" in the survey they released a couple months ago.
He said it probably won't happen in the short term but he said maybe it will towards the "next half of the year." But he added a disclaimer that he can't make promises that far in advance.
Here is the video embedded at the start time of the question and answer (it is quick):
Forum discussion at Google+.