Google Search ranking volatility spiked and heated again over the past 24-hours or so. I am seeing renewed chatter spike up yesterday, January 29th and continue through today. I am also seeing that some of the tracking tools are showing an increase in Google ranking volatility within Google Search over the past day.
Previously we reported ranking volatility over the weekend, prior to that Janaury 20th and this is all when some tools hade tracking difficulties.
That being said, if you are seeing movement and traffic changes related to Google Search in the past 24 hours, you are not alone.
Google Rank Tracking Tools
Here is what the tools are showing - some are not updated for the day:
SEO Chatter
You can also read some of the chatter in the comments area here or some on WebmasterWorld - here is just a few recent comments:
Huge drop this morning...
Lots of valid USA traffic so far today however more than 50% of it has been to a specific section of my site by students searching for specialised information. This happens several times a year for whatever courses are being taught and usually last 2-3 days viewing several thousand pages.
50% drop over night again.
Now Google is really exaggerating. Yesterday the shop had 230% more visitors than Google usually sends us (but 0 sales), today it's dead again. But my news page has Discover traffic again, and that's with an article which I quickly “slapped together”. I really don't understand this.
I am also witnessing a drop. Began late yesterday. Sensors have picked up also. Not good.
What are you all seeing over the past day or so?
Update: Joy Hawkins posted in the Local Search Forums that she is seeing local ranking movement as well. She wrote, "I'm seeing some really major ranking changes in the last 48 hours - mostly to organic search results."
Forum discussion at WebmasterWorld.