A new report released by Rand Fishkin at Sparktoro with the help of Datos' panel measure web browser activity showed that about 1/3rd of active web users don't use Google all that much, by that much it means they only do 1-20X searches per month.
The data Rand put together is interesting, it not only shows you how much users use Google but what they are doing on Google.
It says that the American desktop web users in 2024 performed, on average, 126 unique Google searches each month and the median was 53 Google searches per month. From that Rand said, "5.35 billion humans are active on the Internet each month (GWI), and that ~81% of Internet users perform use a search engine at least once a month."
Rand's number is that Google does 5.9 trillion searches annually, which jives with Google's over 5 trillion searches per year - but I think Google would have said, almost 6 trillion and not over 5 trillion. So maybe Rand's numbers are a tad high?
Here is the breakdown of how much active web users actually use Google Search:
More interesting to me is what these users do when on Google Search:
87% use Google.com, almost 11% spend their time on Google Image Search (I almost never use Google Images), Google Maps (web, not apps) 0.64%, Google News 0.38% and Google Shopping only 0.23%.
The study goes way deeper, so I recommend you check out Rand's story over here and let me know your biggest takeaway.
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