Today may be the first day of summer and/or winter depending on where you are. But one thing for sure, if you are in Australia, the first day of Winter was 21 days ago and not today. So why does Google have a First Day of Winter logo on Google Australia today?
To see the summer solstice 2013 Google Doodle, go to - it is a basic but colorful animated GIF:
To see the First Day of Winter logo, even if it might not be 100% right, go to Google Australia:
The logos were designed and illustrated by Christoph Niemann, an illustrator, graphic designer, and author of several books including some children's books. After his studies in Germany he moved to New York City in 1997.
Back to the Australian issue, there is a big fight going on about the logo being placed on Google Australia. To check out the fight, see Google Web Search Help.
Forum discussion at Google+ & Google Web Search Help.