Several months ago, Google released the top movers report for advertisers to see how your campaigns are moving in terms of changes to your budgets and clicks.
Now, Google has improved those reports to add conversion statistics and device-specific insights.
The added conversion statistics will help you better locate and understand movements in your key ROI metrics. The example Google gave is, "a recent change made to one of your landing pages may have disproportionately impacted the conversion rate for one or more of your ad groups. With conversions in the top movers report, it will be easy for you to identify those ad groups so you can quickly address them."
The added device-specific insights will help you see if a device, such as an iPhone user set, caused the move or if the stable looking data has hidden movement for specific devices.
Google gave two examples: (1) You can now see whether that drop was consistent across devices, so you can see if a specific device was the primary driver of that change. (2) One of your campaigns may have had a large increase in conversions on mobile devices, and at the same time, had a similar decrease in conversions on desktop devices. The top movers report surfaces these kinds of changes that you might otherwise miss, helping you make more informed choices about bid adjustments and targeting.
Here is a picture of the new summary report, of course you can drill deeper:
Forum discussion at Google+.