Luke Fitzgerald - The Search Community Honors You

Apr 3, 2018 - 7:12 am 0 by
Filed Under Honor An SEO/SEM

Luke Fitzgerald

This is part of the say something nice about an SEO/SEM series - feel free to nominate someone over here.

Luke Fitzgerald is 34 years old and lives in Dublin, Ireland with his wife and three girls. Luke is the head of SEO in an agency named Wolfgang Digital and has been doing SEO for the past several years.

He does write a lot about his SEO findings on his company blog.

You see Luke quoted often in various SEO articles across the web. He is a beloved individual, those who work with him and know him have a deep appreciation for his attitude and friendship.

In fact, Mark Singleton who nominated him, wrote:

Luke is a breath of fresh air in how he manages to communicate incredibly complex concepts in really simple terms and gets people from all disciplines bought into the belief that organic search can be one of the most rewarding marketing efforts acompany can invest their time and attention in.

He's a pleasure to work with, always taking time to actively listen and learn from those around him and keen to lend a helping hand and help educate and inform those around him.

Importantly, Luke knows the value of his work and is very clear in communicating what needs to be done in order to improve business processes and make money online. Never a dull moment with an endless supply of actionable ideas which will make a website purr, he manages to add a spark to a dull meeting and get stuff done while others procrastinate. I've nothing but nice things to say about the goodness inside this truly decent fella and it's great to watch him flourish and brim with that truly rare enthusiasm for helping others each time we meet or chat online.

Luke Fitzgerald Bio: Head of SEO and 'Dad joke' aficionado at Dublin-based, multi-award winning performance agency Wolfgang Digital. Father of three, husband of one, wife of none. Enjoys working with amazing teams to deliver great results for awesome clients. Fond of a good pun, a spicy curry and the inimitable delights of South-east Asian travel and culture.

Favorite thing about the SEO community? The sheer diversity, the unbridled enthusiasm, resourcefulness and sheer intelligence within the SEO community is what keep me tuned in each day. The industry is blessed with some great characters, a healthy dose of good craic and not too many insufferable egos!

One piece of advice to the SEOs out there? Keep on learning; the day you stop asking questions or stop trying to fill a knowledge gap is the day you start losing touch with the ever-beating pulse of our industry.

Favorite things in general? As much as I love my job, I love getting away from it and unplugging, completely. Time with family is golden and meditation (Vipassana) helps on my pursuit of inner-peace and balanced thinking.

What you want to be known for in the SEO space? Caring for those I work with and trying to make SEO a little less confusing for those who continue to be confused by it! 'Not being a dick' is my general outlook on life and I'd be fine with that on my tombstone.

To learn more about Luke, check out the Wolfgang Digital Blog or connect with him on LinkedIn.

This is part of the say something nice about an SEO/SEM series - feel free to nominate someone over here.


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